

2024 - Theatre of daylight

Daylight in Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Ewa Walkowska & Malwina Herold

Valeria Federighi

Politecnico di Torino


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The Theatre of Daylight aims to explore the characteristics and physical properties of light, creating a unique experience. We chose to locate it in Bariera di Milano, a district in Turin perceived as one of the worst and most dangerous places to live, but with great potential to become an interesting area. It is close to the city center and has many unused industrial buildings that could be transformed into cultural centers, cafes, and more. By adding a cultural venue here, we hope to change the narrative of the environment with this unusual monument, encouraging people to visit this part of the city more often, thereby boosting its exposure and economy.

The exact placement of the theatre is in Trincerone, a trail dug in the ground left after the railway lane, which is no longer in use. By situating our idea here, we can utilize the existing topography and give this space new function and life.

We introduced daylight by allowing it to penetrate the building through differently shaped openings at the top of the roof, using mirrors to direct the light as stage lights—the main attraction. The decision to place the stage in the middle reflects a modern interpretation of theatre. To enable the building to function at night, we arranged an outdoor scene at the west-northern wall and created a public space in front of it, allowing the community to gather or host an open-air cinema.


The main system providing light for the stage consists of tubes running through the roof, lined with mirrors to evenly distribute light regardless of the angle at which it lands on the roof. At the end of each tube, like in classical stage lights, there are four adjustable openings to direct the daylight. We also used double convex lenses to converge parallel beams of light to a point, creating a spotlight effect for a more theatrical experience. Additionally, a leaf shutter allows quick control of the light’s access.