

2024 - The Silence of the Light

Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Victor Alfonso Montañez

Paula Arzadunn

Universidad Europea del Atlántico


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Balance between Light and Nature: Natural Interpretation Center, Encounter Between Light and Nature

A Reflection on the Work of God and the Hand of Man

In the vast canvas of the world, where light and nature converge in an eternal dance, rises an architectural project that seeks to capture the very essence of this divine harmony. The project explores reverence for the work of God, where the divine ends, the work of man begins in a space where light and nature intertwine in a symphony of beauty, silence, and light.

At the heart of a landscape seemingly sculpted by the very hand of the Creator, emerges an architectural project destined to pay homage to the majesty of divine creation. In this region of diverse vegetation, a golden light visits it, appearing as a divine visitation; every corner seems imbued with the very presence of God, reminding us of our humble position in the vast tapestry of the universe.

Balance between Light and Nature

The architecture of this project is a faithful reflection of the harmony that exists between light and nature. It is the silence of light, the divine creation. As Lebbeus Woods said: “The straight line is human, it is finite, it is imperfect, it is afraid, that is why the curved line is of God.” The project seeks to be a poem within creation.