


Daylight in buildings - Region 3: The Americas

Julieth Katherinne Oviedo Gomez
Laura Alejandra Rodriguez Vargas

Adriana Maria Rangel Arenas

Universidad de La Salle


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Light can affect the perception we have of a space, it can make a space generate different experiences or meanings, depending on the amount of natural light that has this space at times of the day, in a domestic space light can generate relationships or separate these same spaces, depending on the goal you want to reach in the project, in this case we seek that family union spaces highlight through different elements so that the light enters with different angles throughout the day, directing the attention with this we can get to contribute to the welfare and productivity of people.
In the domestic space both natural and artificial light worked as does the architect Jaime Miranda Gonzales, who in his projects takes into account a good lighting inside each of the spaces, using strategies such as lattices in different places generating shadows and light sources in the interiors, as well as large windows where more sunlight is required in the project. These are buildings that during the day do not need artificial light since all the illumination is generated by the sun, as well as at night they have different elements that generate light that transmits the feeling of comfort and tranquility in the space.
In recent years Bogota has gone through different situations in which too many resources necessary to subsist are affected. We find water shortages in the city and strong summers, which generate forest fires. Bogota is a city in which at any time you can get to have a crisis of light shortage, because this is generated with the use of water. Situations that must be foreseen generating that these spaces can be sustained in a more natural way, which is present throughout the day, on the other hand, at night, artificial light will be necessary, but in this case will be generated by sunlight that occurred during the day, generating a livelihood both during the day and at night.
The context in which we find ourselves is a sector that is located both in a natural and urban environment, our intervention lot is located on a slope, we take advantage of this place because it has two important buildings, the first, Centro Foundational of Usme, which has pre-Columbian history as well as the territory, the second, the mayor’s office of Usme which on the contrary is a modern, large, imposing building, which has contemporary elements that we incorporate in the project, these two buildings generate a balance between the old and the modern.
The project consists of three main uses of light, we find a focus on the use of lattice windows that depending on the location of the sun is generated within the space shadows and lights with different intensity and illuminated space, the second we generate it with double height covers that allows the passage of natural light from above allowing different angles, This makes that during the day people are not so dependent on the use of artificial light, and the third is the configuration of the spaces within both houses, wanting to highlight the essence of the spaces in different ways, demonstrating the importance of the use of light and shadow and the experiences that can generate.
In conclusion, we can take advantage of the use of natural light throughout the day, if we use strategies that favor the project, so that in all spaces you can see a different experience, with this we seek that people who live in the houses can feel identified and also understand what for us is the light in a project, as the light is what gives meaning to the house and how this element is the one that can influence the life of a person emotionally and psychologically.