

2024 - Solis Lumen

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Sonia Sharma, Vijayant Kwatra & Yogesh Kumar

Dr. Janbade Prafulla Tara Chand

Chandigarh college of architecture


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Visual Connection to Light:
Circadian Rhythm Simulation: The street light mimics the
natural movement and intensity Of sunlight, helping to
maintain residents’ circadian rhythms. The plus lens light
fixture moves from right to left along the arch, simulating the
sun’s path and varying intensities throughout the day.
Enhanced Mental Health: By replicating natural daylight, the
lighting system supports mental well-being, reducing the
symptoms Of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) prevalent
during extended darkness.
Sun Dial – Time Depiction:
Dynamic Lighting: The movement of the light fixture acts as a
sun dial, providing a visual representation of time passing,
which is especially useful during the Polar Night when
conventional methods of tracking time become challenging,
Solar Panel Integration:
Energy Efficiency: The solar panel atop the light fixture
harnesses solar energy during periods of daylight, storing it
for use during dark months. This ensures the system is
self-sustaining and reduces reliance on non-renewable
energy sources.
Sustainable Operation: During the summer months with
continuous daylight, the lights can be switched off, with the
solar panel continuing to store energy for later use,
Safety and Community Benefits:
Consistent Illumination: The lighting system ensures there
are no dark corners, significantly enhancing street safety and
reducing crime rates.
Emergency Assistance Button: Each street light is equipped
with a button that elderly residents or anyone in need can use
to call for help. directly linking to concerned authorities, This
feature is crucial in a country with a significant aging
Substance Abuse Reporting: The emergency button can also
be used to report instances Of public substance abuse,
further ensuring community safety.
Community Gathering Spaces: Well-lit areas encourage
community gatherings and outdoor activities, fostering
social interaction even during long periods of darkness.
Adaptability and Versatility
The proposed street light system is highly adaptable to
various lighting conditions:
Polar Night: Functions as described, providing essential
daylight simulation and safety features.
Normal Day and Night: Operates as a standard street light,
efficiently utilizing solar energy for nighttime illumination.
Continuous Daylight: Can be switched off during the
summer months, while the emergency button and solar
panel remain functional.