

2024 - Societal Spectrum Window

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Kazmoldayeva Akku

Luoxi Hao

Tongji University


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This window consists of three parts: upper, middle and lower. Only the most central part of the window is placed vertically, and the rest is located in the corner. The upper and bottom windows are at an angle of 15 degrees.
The center window is for adult. The upper windows allow more light to enter the home. The upper and lower oblique windows and the side windows in the middle are means of communication between residents. The window at the bottom is for children.
The main concept of these windows is that they establish and strengthen the connection between neighbors. Unlike straight windows with a limited field of vision and only the front is visible, in these windows, the glass is arranged so that neighbors can see each other without sticking their heads out of the window.
During the quarantine period, people did not have the opportunity to go out and visit others. They are locked in four walls. Some people live alone, and some people often only see the faces of their families.
This is not good for their well-being. They want to know how their neighbors are doing and understand that they all have a common problem. Thanks to this, you can cheer up each other.
Recently, there have been many unfortunate accidents where children fell from windows in my motherland.Children are usually very curious and want to see what is happening outside, especially downstairs. But usually, due to their short stature, they cannot reach the window. So they climbed onto the window sill. This sometimes has a sad ending. Thanks to the lower part of the window, children can enjoy the view without endangering their lives. The position of the windows at different angles allows people’s eyes to cover more space. They can stand or sit and look through the window, so parents don’t have to worry about their children.
The two main central windows are inward casement windows.
The two side windows are sliding windows up and down so as not to interfere with the opening of the central window.
The two upper windows are upper hanging windows.
All other windows, corners and lower ones, are fake windows.
Each part of the window has blinds. If you don’t want a lot of sunlight to enter the room at noon, then close the blinds of this window. If you want to retire and don’t want your neighbors to see you, please close the side windows and blinds of the windows on both sides and diagonally. In order to prevent you from seeing what is happening in the house on the street, you can close the blinds of the lower windows. You can also close the blinds of only a few windows according to your wishes and mood.