

2024 - Sanctuary of Serenity

Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Jiayi Ren & Baihui Wang

Xing Wu

University of the arts London

United Kingdom

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In response to the arduous journey undertaken by Tibetan Buddhist devotees who perform prostrations at the sacred Mount Kailash, we have initiated this project to create a supportive resting pavilion. Devotees endure extreme hardships in the snowy and high-altitude environment, motivated by their dedication to praying for the well-being of all. To alleviate some of their challenges, the region’s abundant sunlight and high ultraviolet radiation are utilized to generate solar power.

Our project is inspired by traditional Tibetan elements such as prayer wheels, mani stone piles, and prayer flags. This resting pavilion will provide a place where pilgrims can rest, sleep, and warm themselves, offering a sanctuary from the harsh conditions. Additionally, this facility will be available to tourists visiting the area, ensuring comfort and sustainability for all while promoting the culture.

When the sun shines onto the fiber optic glass, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. The glass sheet changes angle as the door opens, allowing it to maximize the absorption of sunlight during the day and convert solar energy into heat and electricity, which is stored in a foundation.