

2024 - Rise with the sun, Rest with the sunset

Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Yang Xinru & Pan Yunwei

Barbara Claudia Gasperina Coppetti

Politecnico di Milano


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This design combines the flow of time with natural light, providing functional living spaces that evoke awareness of natural rhythms. It offers an interactive living space with natural light and shadows, allowing residents to feel the passage of time and experience a lifestyle of rising with the sun and resting with the sunset. In this design, natural light enters various functional areas through different windows and skylights, influencing people’s activities and movements. Morning sunlight guides people to the east-side bedrooms and kitchen, afternoon sunlight illuminates the west-side workspace and play area, and the south-side living room and dining area receive the most light during midday and afternoon.

Through architectural layout and window design, natural light illuminates different living areas at various times of the day. This not only makes full use of natural light but also creates a dynamic light and shadow effect. By guiding the rhythm of life with natural light, the residents’ activities are synchronized with natural light, enhancing their quality of life and happiness. Utilizing natural light reduces the reliance on artificial lighting, thereby lowering energy consumption.