

2024 - Oasis of Light

Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Laura Schepers

Scott W. Pollock

Jade University of Applied Sciences


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Sunlight is particularly important for us humans. Among other things, it influences our sleep and wake cycles, hormone production and metabolism, provides us with vitamin D and affects our mood and emotional well-being. These are all reasons why we should expose our bodies to sufficient daylight. However, many people find this particularly difficult, especially in stressful everyday life, as they have no time or no opportunity to spend time in daylight. This is why there should be more places to spend time in which light is emphasised. The ‘Oasis of Light’ is a pavilion made of wood and concrete that can be erected in parks or larger community gardens. The pavilion is intended to embody the interplay of light, peace and relaxation and offer its visitors a unique retreat. It is intended to invite people to consciously engage with the theme of light. Inside, there are two quiet rooms where you can feel the light from above or through the small wall slits. The reflection of the light in or on the water can also be seen, as there are two pools of water in the pavilion. The centre of the pavilion is completely open and planted. Here you can sit down and enjoy the sun, relax and unwind. The light shimmers bthrough the wooden slats in different ways depending on the time of day, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. The pavilion is intended to encourage its users to consciously engage with light, promote their well-being and contribute to relaxation and regeneration in everyday life.