2024 - Market for a village

Daylight in buildings - Region 5: Africa
Konlan Felix
Dr. Maria panta
Kwame Nkrumah University of science and Technology
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so it is it is a market for a rural community and one thing we decided to dock talk on is the use of bamboo because these people kind of have bamboo in abundance so we decided to use bamboo to maximize the lighting in the space , a market for these rural people to sell so we had two demarcations a portion for perishable goods and a portion for non-perishable goods so with a portion for the non-perishable goods we actually provided stalls for this market women to sell under after which they can pack their stuff in so the bamboo there was to shade these people from direct sunlight and therefore this bamboo after shading is just what it just reflects it’s shadow to the floor that was the first part that we tried to use introduce daylights into the space,okay so why does a market need lights or why does a market need daylights ? so it’s not the time that you have fans or air-conditioners working in the market so definitely we’re trying to maximize the use of daylights in the space not just to make the place well lit but also to ensure that the place is well ventilated because most communities, rural communities have their markets being poorly ventilated so we decided to have some kind of slanted walls which is claded in bamboo and this this helps to bring in light from a particular angle of the roof that was how or one way that we try to maximize or bring in the light into this space where they could sell the perishable goods,another way that the market was made well lit it was because of the undulating nature of the roofwhich is at the central part of the market which is the part that this market women can actually sell their perishable goods yes so they undulating manner or the zigzag like shaped roof kind of allows some lighting light daylight into the space so when and the the the sunlight is directly at an angle because of how open up that particular spaces lights gets to enter into the space and it’s also cladded in bamboo to minimize a bit solar ingress of the sunlight and so then allow a portion of it just to get into the space and behind this is the photoluminous glow ceiling that helps to scatter across all the suns race,one unique thing about this particular project is the use of bamboo and this bamboo helps us in kind of inclining our walls and all of that and then just to maximize daylight into the space we are not just using bamboo anyhow this is the material or the building material of the rural people we are designing for ,so we are just trying to speak the language of these rural people ,to represent them with their own own kind of resource so that the whole structure doesn’t feel so alien to these people that is what we’re trying to do