

2024 - Living as Neighbors with Birds

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Yiwen Wang
Yaxue Zhang

Yu Tianqi

Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Hong Kong

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Living as Neighbors with Birds

Nesting is crucial for bird reproduction. With the rapid urbanization, bird habitats have undergone dramatic changes. The differences between urban buildings, hard surfaces, and sparse vegetation compared to natural habitats pose significant challenges for birds in nesting and reproduction. Our project aims to transform buildings into not only human living spaces but also bird homes.

Through architectural design, we will provide a habitat for birds in the city. By adding structures to existing building facades, planting vegetation suitable for bird life, and installing feather-made sunshades, we will create safe nesting spaces for birds, providing shade and shelter from heat while reducing the impact of building light pollution on birds. These measures will also provide humans with conditions to avoid glare and heat during the summer, enhancing indoor comfort.

The elegant feather sunshades will allow humans and birds to live as friendly neighbors under the same roof, without disturbing each other’s lives, but feeling each other’s silent companionship, providing a sense of security for both. This epitomizes the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. Through this project, we aim for buildings to not only belong to humans but also be a shared habitat for humans and birds, creating a happy little ”home” for urban birds.