2024 - Light the Gravestone

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania
Zhou Gaocheng
Ye Kecheng
Li Junlong
Zhang Miaomiao
Hefei City University
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”The true death of man is the forgetting of the last person who remembers you.” We thought about how to keep the past and contributions of the deceased alive in a sustainable way. Daylight is the connection channel between the real and the surreal world, and the reconstructed gravestone is the carrier. With the change of the sun’s height and Angle throughout the day, the intensity, direction and color of daylight change time by time. It tries to project and present the stories engraved on the gravestone one by one, silently playing the life of the deceased, and people’s memory of it is awakened again…
Based on the traditional Daguerreotype method, we change the image carrier to recycled glass. The recycled glass is superimposed before and after to make the photo have a sense of layering, which can show dynamic changes and light and dark changes with different sunshine, and the principle of optical prism is used to give the image color.
We are concerned that the amount of electronic waste around the world is growing, glass with sand as the main component is used for this electronic waste, we recycle these electronic waste glass and improve and transform into the carrier of tombstones, its light transmission is excellent, and its own texture can help form images.
With the abandonment of tombstones (future generations no longer come to sweep tombs and maintain tombstones), the recycled glass will gradually decompose into sand and dissolve in the land over time.