


Daylight in buildings - Region 5: Africa

Mário Duzindo Franco Paz Costa

Suzana Matos

Universidade Lusíada de Angola


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With an average success range below 30%. One of the critical thoughts is if there is hope for the Calemba 2 public school. For us there is always hope but more than think about hope to pull up the dark scenario is to bring a path for those children to take. 100% exposition to sun light, no water, no play, no reading, no no nothing. How is it possible for then to shine. But for us, there is one solution, we mean four solutions that can be integrated to light a future for those children.
Our project concept explores through light and small installations the possibilities to support students to feel that they can find a path to light their futures.
The project consists in different moments all connected to create a new sense of belong, interest about the space and motivation.
One of the most important factors to diagram this path was the students’ natural path that they cross every day.
This path was developed using boxes based in wood with a dimension that students can grab it to adjust through the landscape that the projects present.
Those wood boxes were developed with a base in the abandoned wood tables that are in the space.
The next solution is by one question is derived by a question Can you imagine yourself after 4h of attending a class and go outside and there is no water? This is what those children are living.
The solution for water students needs was to build water tank that incorporates itself in the centered points of the pathway that students do.
The last solution was a combination of answers for some issues like the necessity to bring light at the dark night of the school while connecting it with the necessity of student’s activities at the school. So, we light those students’ path through special boxes with panel solares that can charge during the day and before night classes all students build the pyramids to put the special magic box to light their path and for the others. This is a simple collective activity that is required for students to feel that they belong to something and can contribute for it.