

2024 - Lifeline

Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Wang Houxiang, He Chenyang, Zhang Weishi, Li Yongjin & Li Yaning

Dang Qianqian

Politecnico di Milano


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Can architecture have more roles and meanings for human beings? Meanwhile, we are thinking about the relationship between light and architecture. Architecture should be more than just a spatial artifact in light and shadow.

In the rubble buried after the collapse of a building, it is difficult to obtain timely information about the location of trapped people, which becomes the biggest obstacle to rescue. This kind of information often leads to missing the golden rescue time, and a large number of lives are lost as a result.

We rethink the relationship between light, buildings, and people, and try to build an interactive intelligent building. We designed a fiber-optic system with integrated life detection devices by studying building collapse patterns and rescue deployment methods. Through the pre-designed rescue route, the system can quickly locate and guide the rescuers to the buried survivors after an earthquake by utilizing the informativeness of light, solving the problem of not being able to obtain the location information of the victims in time, thus improving the rescue efficiency and saving more lives.