

2024 - Kanigara Shelter

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Annisa Rahma Fauzia, Nisrina Putri Rianto, Annisa Fitriani, Areta Khairin Kaltsum & Gizka Azkia Azzahra

Nur Laela Latifah, S.T., M.T.

Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung


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Indonesia is the second country on the planet with the highest potential for natural disaster risk. This archipelagic nation is made up of 17,000 islands and lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area in the Pacific Ocean where many active volcanoes are found. Additionally, its position at the intersection of three major tectonic plates makes the country particularly prone to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. With more than 279 million people living in the risk areas in Indonesia, disaster impact management play a crucial role in strengthening the country’s resilience.

At the very condition, a shelter that provides electricity is a critical need. Having the access to electricity can improve safety, support medical equipments, allow communication with the outside world, and help maintain a sense of normality and stability during difficult times. These make ensuring access to electricity is necessary, no matter how challenging every effort must be. It could be convenient if the electricity can be produced by natural resources. Sunlight, which every region in Indonesia receives daily, could be the easiest to obtain and be transformed into electricity. The shelter itself needs to be handy enough to construct and distribute. Kanigara Shelter brought up origami folding concept to save up space while distributing and make it faster and easier to construct.

Refugees might have lost their spirit, possessions, homes, and families. Kanigara Shelter transforms sunlight into new hope, offering protection and reviving dreams that have faded. Here, every ray of sunlight is a promise of a better tomorrow, encouraging and hope rise from the glimmer of light.