

2024 - Kaleidoscope

Daylight investigations - Region 1: Western Europe

Louisa Rauch

Claire Karsenty

Ecole nationale supérieure d' Architecture de Strasbourg


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Nature is infinite. It brings upon us a shadow of choices, onto which we point our fingers, and chose which one to wonder and ponder. The beauty of choosing brings us closer to, perhaps not understanding the algorithm, but appreciating the beauty which makes up this algorithm of diversity.

The project looks to present this phenomenon and make diversity stand out and be interacted with. Furthermore, the project explores the infinite complexity of nature as a random phenomenon, in order to explore its form of representation and description in architecture.

This pavilion within the Sacro Monte Sopra Varese village is located in Italy. The exhibition space stands on the via Lucis, amongst other 13 pavilions, which together lead to the 14 chapels on the upper part of the pathway. The number of chapels is integrated through the 14 openings of this pavilion. Not only does it relate to the sacred history, but also shows the diversity of natural elements through the difference of the light beams.

The project envisions a wall canvas on which the light protruding through the 14 openings on the adjacent wall will show 14 different beams of light defined and described by the different circumstance of vegetation outside of the pavilion.

These beams will all vary in their contents of light and shadow, and being accentuated by the dark environment inside, will draw the visitors to notice these small, but strong differences and diversifications. The vegetation is represented as a random array of boxes, that describe a shadow mimicking one of realistic natural elements.