


Daylight In Buildings - Region 1: Western Europe

Emili Arroyo Oliver

Jordi Hidalgo Tané

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


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Situated on a picturesque island off the coast of Cadaqués, this camera obscura stands as an architectural manifestation of the interplay between light, water, and structure, offering a unique visual and sensory experience that captures the essence of the local landscape and culture.

The camera obscura is designed to highlight the inherent beauty of Cadaqués’ natural and architectural environment, with its light aperture strategically oriented towards the iconic church and the distinctive skyline of the town. This positioning not only frames the most emblematic views but also takes advantage of the northern light’s quality, known for its softness and consistency, ideal for precise visual effects.

The building, minimalist in form, employs white interior walls to maximize light reflection. This design allows for exceptional clarity and sharpness in the projection of images, transforming the interior space into a dynamic canvas that comes alive with each change in exterior light.

The aperture, the heart of the camera obscura, has been carefully calibrated to capture and direct light inward. This small opening, though modest in size, is fundamental in its precision, allowing the necessary light to enter and project a vivid and detailed image of the exterior.

At the center of the camera, a sheet of water acts as a reflective surface, naturally inverting the projected image. This element not only corrects the typical inversion of the camera obscura but also adds a layer of serenity and fluidity to the space. The water, in its stillness and reflection, introduces a living component of nature within the structure, uniting the exterior environment with the interior in a continuous and harmonious dialogue.