2024 - Introducing The SUNSET

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania
Beijing Jiaotong University
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The corridor space is divided into two kinds, one side of the room and the room on both sides, the corridor on one side can rely on natural light, but the corridor on both sides of the room must be set up with lamps, although some buildings can rely on skylights for lighting, and some buildings rely on the windows of the rooms on both sides to introduce the light in the room into the corridor.
However, for multi-Storey buildings, the size of the classrooms on both sides is usually 6 m x 8 m (normally), and the light is very little from the wide and large classrooms to the windows open in the walls.
Then, in view of this situation, we hope that through our design, we can contribute our own design plan to the teaching building with high energy consumption without increasing energy consumption and without changing the basic structure of the building through simple design.
From the perspective of the world, the average temperature in winter is minus 10 °C, the inland and alpine areas of the Arctic Circle, the middle and high latitudes, these areas in order to keep warm and heat, the room is closed, the corridor is dim, and the lamps are used for a long time. Therefore, the starting point of our design is to introduce natural light into the corridor space without changing the building structure and increasing energy consumption, so as to turn the dim and boring corridor space into a space with great romantic magic.