

2024 - ICU(I See You); Illuminating the City for you

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania



Pusan National University

South Korea

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ICU is located on the exterior windows of the building, reflecting sunlight during the day to become a sparkling piece of art within the city. At night, ICU releases the absorbed sunlight, gradually lighting up and illuminating the neighborhood. ICU functions similarly to a lighthouse. A lighthouse signals the location of the land during the day and guides ships safely at night with its light. Similarly, ICU brightens dark streets and neighborhoods from the building’s exterior, providing a safe environment for people to engage in nighttime activities. This illumination encourages nighttime business operations for shops and restaurants, contributing to the local economy. Additionally, research shows that well-lit streets deter crime. The bright and well-lit streets provided by ICU effectively reduce crime rates, making residents feel safer.
Solar power generation converts sunlight into direct current electricity using multiple solar cells attached to solar panels. ICU employs a new method using transparent solar cells instead of traditional solar panels. Transparent solar cells are aesthetically pleasing and efficient, comprising transparent plates that handle both charging and discharging.

Transparent solar cells begin with a transparent conductive layer, which can effectively conduct electricity while allowing light to pass through. This layer is typically made of transparent materials such as metal oxides. Above it is a semiconductor layer, usually made of materials like aluminum gallium oxide (AZO) or zinc oxide (ZnO), which converts light energy into electrical energy. The electrolyte layer above the semiconductor facilitates the movement of electrons and maintains positive charges, ensuring efficient movement of electrons and positive charges generated by light. Lastly, the counter electrode on the opposite side of the transparent solar cell collects the electrons and positive charges generated by light and transfers them to an external circuit, converting them into electrical energy.

1. Transparent solar cells transmit sunlight through the transparent conductive layer.
2. The semiconductor layer absorbs the transmitted sunlight, generating electrons and positive charges. At this stage, light energy is converted into electricity.
3. The generated electrons and positive charges move through the electrolyte, creating electricity through an external circuit.
4. The generated electricity is collected by the counter electrode and converted into usable electrical energy.
During the day, the solar cells embedded in the glass charge using sunlight, producing electricity while remaining transparent. The electricity generated during the day is stored in an electric storage device. This stored energy is used as a power source for lighting at night.

The effectiveness of lighting in preventing crime has been demonstrated through various studies and experiments. First, bright lighting enhances visibility and secures sightlines, which reduces opportunities for committing crimes. In actual research cases, New York City saw a significant decrease in crime rates after improving street lighting. Areas with brighter lighting experienced a reduction in car thefts and violent incidents. Lighting also plays an important role in increasing the sense of public safety. Bright lighting gives residents a sense of security, encouraging more people to use the streets at night and thereby creating an environment where crimes are less likely to occur.
Bright lighting allows stores, restaurants, and cafes to stay open later. This enables consumers to shop and dine out even at night, leading to increased sales for business owners. Additionally, well-lit areas are suitable for hosting night markets or nighttime events, attracting local residents and tourists and generating economic revenue. Moreover, bright lighting encourages residents to use parks and streets at night, boosting community activities and positively impacting local businesses.
In the nightscape, the lighting of buildings is a crucial element in enhancing the beauty of the city’s skyline. Well-designed lighting can turn a building into a landmark, attracting tourists and reinforcing the city’s image. Additionally, specific colors or lighting patterns can be used to celebrate festive occasions or special events, adding vibrancy to the surroundings of the building.