2024 - Drawn to the Light

Daylight Investigations - Region 2: Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Merve Altuntaş & Bengisu Sağmaner
İnci Basa
Middle East Technical University
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“There is a light that never goes out!” -The Smiths
The project Drawn to the Light is designed for post-disaster meeting points, camps, and temporary settlements. It originates from the massive earthquake that happened in the eastern part of Turkey in 2023, during which thousands of people lost their lives, loved ones, homes, and memories. It happened during the night; it was difficult to find a way and place to gather. In the period following the event, the water supplies finished, and since it was hard to reach the area, clean water could not be supplied to the people. In addition, gathering and sharing are also significant human needs that should be met especially during these saddening and difficult days. This disaster may not be the only one; thus, this project aims to provide vital needs for disaster survivors: light during the night, clean water, and shade during the summer days. In addition, it creates a gathering place for the people to share and be together during rough times.
The design is inspired by the fireflies, which light up during the night, and if we are alone in a forest, they might be the only ones showing and lighting up our way and giving us hope to survive. Thus, the project works like a firefly, drawing people to the light.
The project uses sunlight and turns it into light with photovoltaic panels. The photovoltaic panels are placed on a translucent architectural fabric to provide shade in the daytime and to let light in during the nighttime. The structure which carries the panels is made of steel pipes. The rainspout chain in the middle helps collect water and sends it to the water fountain at the bottom. The collected water can be sterilized until a certain degree after 8 hours of sun exposure. Due to its lightweight characteristics, it can be moved to different places. Along with creating a gathering place with lighting and water access, the structure allows people to perform their daily activities in a social manner. For the mental well-being and resilience of the affected community, it works as a meeting point for people to gather, interact, and overcome hardship together.