2024 - Christiaan Huygens Museum for the Blind people

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania
Gerasimenko Nikita Alexandrovich
Natalya Stanislavovna Kinosyan
Kunming University of Science and Technology
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Blind – is often able to discern daylight so the public area of the museum should be well lit from all sides to provide the correct indoor environment.
Daylight gives life to everything, the museum is based on the fact that light gives life to this architecture, as all architecture lives during the daylight hours.
the inner halls enclosed in the public function do not have any light – this is a metaphor to the fact that a person goes a long way to lose/gain sight. Walking into the museum part a person can feel blind and sightless, and a blind person can feel a part of society, literally being on the same level of perception of reality as a sighted person