2024 - Board+Lumi: Design of Sunshade Device Based on Dynamic Light Detection

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania
FU Yitao
LIU Huagang
Guangdong University of Technology
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China has witnessed remarkable progress over the past few decades, with its society experiencing rapid urbanization and economic growth. However, this rapid development has inadvertently led to a decrease in attention towards ensuring the healthy growth of children, particularly in terms of their vision. Consequently, the prevalence of myopia among children has increased significantly, sparking growing concern among the whole society.
As people strive to create spaces that cater to the needs of modern society, atriums have become increasingly popular in building design, because of their functionality and aesthetic appeal. However, a crucial factor of atriums that needs to be considered is the potential for glare caused by the extensive use of light-transmitting materials. This glare can be particularly harmful to human vision, especially in the case of children, whose vision is still developing and more vulnerable.
In light of this issue, a thoughtful approach has been taken in the design of a primary school building, where a dynamic light-detecting sunshade device has been integrated into the atrium’s glass curtain wall. This device, comprising several solar-shaped panels, functions by monitoring the intensity of natural light throughout the day. Based on this monitoring, the sunshade device automatically adjusts its position and angle to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor illumination level of approximately 5000 lux. This level of illumination is considered ideal for children’s vision health, ensuring that they can learn and play in an environment that is both visually comfortable and conducive to their overall well-being.