2024 - BIOLUX

Daylight Investigations - Region 3: The Americas
Sofia Paniagua Posca & Andrea Hernandez
Yasmine Zeghar
University of Miami
United States
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Located in Vieques, Puerto Rico, the proposal is a pavilion that aims to emulate the natural environment. Its purpose is to maximize human interaction with the otherworldly bioluminescent light resources found in the site, without producing further damage to the environment. The design first seemingly acts as a buffer in between water and contact, but then it is the definite activator that allows for the conversation between water and light to occur. In addition, the proposal looks to enrich the historical knowledge of those visiting it by serving as a museum through the walls in which the narrative of the island is told. The pavilion is also designed in a way in which its two floors engage, rather than adapt to, the different sea levels in order to demonstrate the urgency of sea level rise. When the tide is low, visitors are able to go through both experiences, however, when the tide is high, visitors can no longer access the underground level where the museum and the light are best experienced, unless with special equipment, serving as a metaphor of what is lost when the tides overtake us.