2024 - Architectural solarium

Daylight in Buildings - Region 2: Eastern Europe and The Middle East
Wiktoria Sosna & Julia Staszczuk
Krzysztof Frąckowiak
Politechnika Poznańska
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Cities are becoming more and more populated every year, the buildings are becoming denser, which means that the windows are no longer enough to optimally illuminate the interior. The ceiling room lighting system is a modern and simple solution to this problem. It assumes the use of sunlight that is reflected at an appropriate angle from the mirrors inside the system, which allows for even illumination of the entire room. The ceiling spreads the light softly through the uneven texture of the glass. On cloudy days, the room is lit by a lamp mounted in the ceiling glass.
Natural soft light is extremely important for good human functioning and development, especially in the workplace and place of study. Daylight has huge potential in interior lighting. With the changing climate and ecological disasters, humanity will need simple solutions using available and renewable resources.