


Daylight Investigations - Region 3: The Americas

Clarissa María Dubón Vásquez

María Estela Vásquez Alfaro

Francisco Marroquín University


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The project “ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE RESEARCH CENTER IN NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS” achieves to solve a problem focused on the lack of management of natural resources and the environment, mainly on the University Campus; the project’s response to this problem is the result of the methodological development in all its phases of investigation; starting from a first phase with an in-depth analysis to define the diagnosis of the problem to be solved, focused on sustainability and the environment; continues with a second phase to implement tools such as training programs needs, weighting-evaluation matrices, diagramming and integrating them with the design premises necessary to synthesize and plan the research; and finally culminates with a third phase where it is materialized in a tangible way with a proposal functional-formal project that complements the two previous phases with: Platinum Certification Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-LEED, urban planning, construction systems, etc.; achieving the integration of the project with the University Campus Master Plan. The entire approach of the methodology research is sustainable; in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Goals or Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDGF), which were adopted by the United Nations Organization – UN in 2015 as a universal announcement to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee all people will enjoy peace and prosperity for the year 2030. The project “ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE CENTER OF RESEARCH IN NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS” is developed to contribute to one of the Development Objectives Sustainable (SDG) and what better than in attention to sustainable and environment needs of an educational community that functions and operates inside the University Campus. Likewise, an analysis of the site has been carried out for the development of the project, taking into account the sunlight, location and all the factors of the immediate environment to create a project that has environmental comfort and the use of natural lighting and ventilation, avoiding mechanical ventilation systems and artificial lighting. Also, renewable energy, reduction and reuse of water resources, waste management and renewable construction materials premises have been introduced into the investigation and performance of the project “ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE CENTER OF RESEARCH IN NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS”. The main objective of the project is to design an architectural project for a research center in natural resources and environment inside the University Campus; which achieves to create a positive impact with excellent investigative, technological and technical practices in environment management and natural resources, in order to improve the quality of life of the educational community.