

2024 - Antorchas ancestrales

Daylight in buildings - Region 3: The Americas

Nataly Castro y Sofia Ramirez

Sergio Garces Corzo

Universidad de La Salle


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Antorchas Ancestrales

”Antorchas Ancestrales” is a housing complex located in Vereda La Requilina on the rural boundary of Ciudad Usme, Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. Its population aims to keep their tradition and culture alive; for that reason, they engage in cultural and tourist activities based on their historical past, which dates back to one of the country’s most recognized indigenous cultures: the Muiscas. They want to maintain their style with a contemporary touch.

”Antorchas Ancestrales” has six two-family houses that surround the heritage building located in the middle of the field. This building is accessible to the people of Ciudad Usme and visitors from the city. Additionally, it is connected to a natural park project carried out by the mayor of Usme.

The houses represent warmth and unity, qualities reflected through the concept of a campfire, characterized by joinly people to tell stories and spend time together, regardless of whether they are family or friends. This concept is also evident in the shape of the roof, which mimics the fire reaching towards the sky. The single slope allows full use of light during the day and blocks the chilly winds typical of Usme’s climate, which could otherwise cause discomfort for residents.

The complex, being in a clear area, offers the possibility of making the most of natural light. Skylights are used on the sloping roofs, allowing a constant passage of light into the homes. By reflecting this light with various materials, different atmospheres are created that enhance the residents’ experience inside.

The materials and the distribution of the spaces can adapt to all the desires of the users without losing the essence of a warm house, aiming to represent a cottage while strengthening the connection with the surroundings.

The intended users of the homes are two families: one with five members and another small family with two members. These homes will also open their doors to tourists who want to escape the city and enjoy two different views , one of bogota city and another for the mountains and sumapaz paramo in a quiet place closer to nature. Guests can learn about the traditional activities of the area and its history by living with local families and visiting the museum.