

2024 - A Solar Paradox: Calling for a New Solar Typology

Daylight in buildings - Region 4: Asia and Oceania

Eu Juin Toh

Ng San Son

National University of Singapore


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If solar can only contribute 10% of Singapore’s electricity demand by 2050 in the best-case scenario, why should we put so much effort into optimising this sector?

It bears remembering that other forms of renewable energy, such as wind, tidal and hydro, are not an option in Singapore. In this context, extracting every ounce of potential from solar becomes a more significant feature of Singapore’s net zero goal. (Reed Smith) Despite so, the government has made clear that solar PV will not be undertaken at the expense of green spaces. Under Sustainable Singapore Blueprint, skyrise greenery goal would compete with the deployment of rooftop solar PV. (SERIS, 2020)

The very nature of land reclamation in Singapore has ironically not benefited the transition to solar development, it rather damages much of the marine biodiversity underneath it. However, coastal urbanization impacts on Singapore’s Marina Biodiversity shows the resilience and adaptability of stony corals. Perhaps, the Photosynthetic Traits of Stylophora Pistillata (SP) could provide an alternative way to manage this challenge of limited space. Ultimately, this research seeks to debunk the false dichotomy that harnessing solar energy is not a trade-off of usable space, but rather can spark different uses of spaces in various daylighting conditions.