2024 - A practical exhibition for an intricate space

Daylight investigations - Region 4: Asia and Oceania
Mikael Tristan Aristo
Tubagus Muhammad Aziz Soelaiman
Bandung Institute of technology
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A practical exhibition for an intricate space
— Made possible with temporal behavior and excessive daylight.
Jakarta, a city that hums with the energy of millions filled with opportunities through the dense crowds and it’s unique urban fabric. The opportunity comes with a cost, which is stress that comes from the pressure and expectation especially from jobs and career. Where among urbanites, it is considered to be a top priority. Among surveys from the previous years, Jakarta is among the top ranked most stressful cities to live in. The stress affect urbanites well-being and their work performance.
A solution is found from early Christian, Buddhist, and Hinduism teaching known as the contemplative act. The act itself has also evolve overtime to adjust to human’s way of life throughout the modern world while still maintaining it’s core characteristics such as personal, subjective, and philosophical. in the modern world, the act can be found in the form of journaling, reading, mediation, yoga, and many more. The act itself is considered beneficial for it’s actor as it increases empathy, awareness, personal reflection, mindfulness, and it is considered effective to heal our well-being state.
The teaching can be spread by providing a place for learning and practicing within the same space. In order to spread the teaching effectively, it needs to be done at the heart of the problem, the most stressful place in Jakarta with a high usage rate. Jakarta’s golden triangle located at the heart of the city with a high economy and business activity will be the perfect fit. The design will be integrated with a public transportation infrastructure, specifically electric train station as it is the most widely used rapid mass transport system and considered to be essential for people in Jakarta. Therefore, Sudirman Electric Train Station is chosen as a place for the design implementation.
By nature, a train station is a crowded place, practicality is everything. The station is also located in the center of a masterplan for public transport interchange, meaning that it is a connector between public transport modes which increase the station usage. Train station is a dynamic place, there are pattern to it. It may seems crowded at all times, but it’s not. Time and behavior analysis shows that during operational hour at 11AM to 2PM the station is used by people with indirect movement and lower overall mobility pace. Indirect movement shows that people tends to explore certain space within their surrounding. Lower mobility pace allow people to enjoy more of their surrounding and have peace in midst of crowd. The city of Jakarta has a tropical climate with excessive natural light during the day. From 11AM to 2PM, the sun will be located directly at the top of the building, giving a strong and direct natural light. This condition will create shadow and shades within the interior.
Climate, behavior, and time analysis shows a potential design solution to create a practical exhibition. Where it can be experienced during times when it is possible to be enjoyed and powered by the sun for low maintenance, practicality, and intriguing for everyone.
The sun will rise and shine through a plate with words cut (filled cutting) on it. Projecting words to the ground and deliver a practical exhibition without the need for preparation in advance. The exhibition will starts from the ramp at the 2nd floor (the main circulations floor) near the entrance all the way towards the 3rd floor throughout the station. Light manipulation plays a major part to create a peaceful and tranquil spatial experience, affecting people’s mood in the midst of a bustling city. Light beams are created with excessive natural light projecting the words into the ground. Lights create a dramatic effect, enabling the space to act as place to learn while practicing the teaching itself. Protection consideration is also done by using double pane and tinted glass module throughout the design to ensure thermal comfort, supporting interior spatial experience.